či2025-01-10T12:50:46+00:00Maja Ć Journal Systems<p><strong><em>Reči (Words)</em></strong> <strong>– A Journal of Language, Literature and Culture</strong> is an open access peer-reviewed international journal published by Alfa BK University (Republic of Serbia).</p><p>Reči, Journal of Language, Literature and Culture</p>2025-01-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 OF ENGLISH ON SERBIAN AT LEXEME LEVEL IN COMMUNICATION ON SOCIAL NETWORKING WEBSITE FACEBOOK − A CASE STUDY2025-01-09T14:00:27+00:00Svetlana Obradović<p>The paper is concerned with the influence of the English language on the Serbian language at lexeme level in communication on the social networking website Facebook. This quantitative research was accomplished within the scope of contact linguistics and the corpus consisted of 144 statements within 10 different Facebook profiles from which comments on pictures and videos, as well as wall posts and comments were downloaded. Relying on Tvrtko Prćić's semantic-pragmatic research (2005), the English loanwords were analysed from two different points of view: (1) according to their type – establishing a dichotomy between obvious and raw loanwords; and (2) according to their justification of use – establishing a dichotomy between justified and unjustified loanwords. Since personal and occasional use of English loanwords within Serbian sentences is an example of status-driven use, the statements illustrating zero adaptation phenomenon are more frequently used compared to the arbitrary transcription of the original (25 examples, out of total 32) fall into ziro adaptation category. The category of justified English loanwords consists of 50 examples, out of total 116 (43.10%), while unjustified loanwords comprise 56.89% of the corpus. Serbian language manuals do not provide detailed standardization where English loanword orthography is concerned due to the fact that the speed at which the loanwords enter the receiving language exceeds the speed at which the language norm is established. The obvious and raw loanword category comprise 88.79% and 12.06% of corpus, respectively. It could be concluded that the users of this social networking website follow the basic transcription rules concerning the standard norm of the Serbian language.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 HOLMES THROUGH THE PRISM OF THE MEDIA, THEN AND NOW2025-01-10T09:05:16+00:00Ivana<p>Through qualitative research, the paper will analyze the character of Sherlock Holmes through the theory of cultural representations of the cultural theorist Stuart Hall as well as the relationship with the media and Sherlock’s cultural influence carried out through and with the help of the media. Speaking of the media, before the 19th century, the press was the only source of information for the public, but today, with the flood of information sources, the amplitude of the term media has expanded to include modern sources of information. After the first appearance of Sherlock in the magazine "Strand" in 1887, neither the author Conan Doyle nor the publishers dreamed that the character of Sherlock would experience such popularity that would affect the further course of creation of the writer as well as the further independent life and development of the character of Sherlock in the following decades. Sherlock and his audience continued to shape each other. The media's hunger for Sherlock has not diminished; it has turned out that they live in a beautiful symbiosis, and the question remains how their relationship has transformed and whether there is something else that the media and Sherlock have not given to each other.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025, MEMORY, IDENTITY IN THE AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL PROSE MY VILLAGE AND ALONE MILKE ŽICINA2025-01-10T09:11:27+00:00Aleksandra Matić<p>The paper focuses on the analysis of space, memory and identity in Milka Žicina's autobiographical works <em>Selo</em> <em>moje</em> and <em>Sama</em>. Using the psychoanalytical and phenomenological method, especially the phenomenology of space by Gaston Bašlar, and the microspherology of Peter Sloterdijk, it is investigated how space - whether it is a maternity home or a prison cell - functions as a symbolic construct through which the author faces deep personal traumas and crises. The goal of the work is to determine the role of space in questioning one’s own past and identity. It was shown that in this review, the figure of the father represents a formative sign of the author's identity. The figure of the father, which runs through both works, is revealed as a central point of identification and conflict, where family and social tensions intertwine. This paper shows that through the analysis of space and traumatic memory we can better understand the mechanisms of dealing with the past in women's autobiographical and camp writing, opening new perspectives for the interpretation of Milka Žicina's work and enabling new insights into women's autobiographical experience.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 INFLUENCE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES ON THE ALGERIAN DIALECT OF THE ARABIC LANGUAGE2025-01-10T09:15:05+00:00Stefan Jovičić<p>Arabic as one of the most important languages of civilization had its expansion after the emergence of Islam when it spread from its homeland, the Arabian Peninsula to the vast territory of the Levant, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Sudan and the Maghreb. At the same time, the classical Arabic language (al-luġa al-ʾarabiyya al- fuṣḥa) became the language of literature, science and culture, and the language of the Qur'an in the entire area from the Persian Gulf to the Atlantic ocean. However, along with classical Arabic, various local dialects (al-luġa al-ʾāmmiyya) appeared and were used in everyday speech. With the conquest of new territories and the spread of the Arabic language, a new deal emerged due tolt of the mutual influence and interaction of Arabic and local languages. On the territory of Algeria inhabited mainly by Berber</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>tribes (Al-Amāzīġ), like in other Maghreb countries, the Arabic language spread, which was initially mostly spoken in cities, but gradually reached rural and mountainous areas where various Berber dialects were mostly used. In this way, the Algerian dialect of the Arabic language was formed, to gradually receive great influence from the Ottoman Turkish, Spanish and French languages. Nowadays diversity between dialects, especial in some areas is a consequence of its impact. Therefore Standard Algerian dialect which, for various historical reasons, will come into intensive contact with the Ottoman Turkish, Spanish and French languages, which will be analyzed from the perspective of the adopted lexicon in the paper. The aim of this work is to gain an insight into the development of the lexicon of the Algerian dialect over time, as well as the influence of foreign languages on its formation, especially in terms of loanwords that entered it, with reference to the historical context.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 THEORETICAL APPROACH TO LEADERSHIP2025-01-10T12:34:20+00:00Jelena Miulivojević<p>The aim of this paper is to present relevant contemporary theories of leadership. Using descriptive and comparative-analytical methods, the differences between power and leadership are highlighted, followed by an overview of changes in the approach to leadership as a set of traits, skills, styles, and situations. Attention is drawn to the situational theory of leadership, which identifies four distinct leadership styles. These styles have a very broad application across various levels of diverse types of organizations and for almost all types of tasks. Four theories are singled out as particularly useful for understanding the complexity of the leadership phenomenon. These include Fiedler's contingency theory, the path-goal theory, transformational leadership theory, and Ichak Adizes' theory. It is expected that this paper may be useful to anyone engaged in the topic of leadership and effective organizational management strategies.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 DISCOURSE AND THE DECONSTRUCTION OF LANGUAGE: A STUDY OF DERRIDEAN TOPOLOGY2025-01-10T12:38:17+00:00Anastasija Gorgiev Stojanovićanastasija.gorgiev@gmail.comMihailo Stojanović<p>This study examines the complex link between deconstruction and negative theology, concentrating on Derridean interpretation of the apophatic tradition. Deconstruction and negative theology are sometimes seen as similar, but this research shows their key contrasts, notably in how they approach the unsayable and the <em>Other</em>. The research examines Derrida’s 1980s and 1990s works to show how language might be a deconstructive topology of speech that remains unsaturated and open to otherness. This approach challenges metaphysical systems and proposes a logic of denial that transcends constatative and predicative speech by presenting God as ultimate otherness. This method critiques Heidegger’s ontotheology post-structurally and addresses philosophical and literary theory problems about language, silence, and negation in divine representation. This paper seeks to show how a Derridean deconstruction of negative theology might enhance current discourses on language, otherness, and the ineffable by adopting a discourse that speaks via silence and defers meaning in <em>différance</em>.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025“What matter who's speaking?” THE QUESTION OF THE AUTHOR IN NOVEL L'ÉVÉNEMENT BY ANNIE ERNAUX AND FILM L'ÉVÉNEMENT BY AUDREY DIWAN2025-01-10T12:46:24+00:00Sanja Jovanović<p>The paper investigates to what extent the idea of <em>death of the author </em>has been transformed and seeks to compare relationships of female authorship. The paper discusses the development of post-structuralist theories of Rolandes Barthes and Michel Faucault that cancel the origin of the narrator, declare the death of the author stating that the meaning is determined by the reader, and question if the identity of the narrator makes a difference at all. The paper further provides an insight into the implications of such cancellation during the seventies and eighties of the last century, and even today, when a large number of objections were raised by theorists of feminist literature, who primarily criticized indifferent attitude of the originators of these ideas towards those who got the right to express themselves relatively late. The paper traces the theory of l'écriture féminine and the ambivalence towards the importance of highlighting gender differences, and also points to the importance of feminist thought in the way in which the reading of texts is approached today.</p> <p>The analysis of the texts demonstrates the uniqueness of female authorship, primarily in the thematic and expressive sense, but also shows the current (and still) necessity of defining female authorship as such in terms of promotion and visibility. However, in terms of collective experience, the analysis proves that it does not matter who speaks, and that one (female) experience can be shared regardless of its origin</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 POEM "BANOVIĆ STRAHINJA" AND ITS CINEMATIC ECHOES: PRESENTATION OF MORAL HEORISM2025-01-10T12:50:46+00:00Aleksandar<p>Having argued that the screenplay is a kind of literature and that the relationship between literature and the film industry is not something external, but something very intimate and immediate, the paper continues with the analysis of the poem Banović Strahinja. It is about the version recounted by the old man Milija and recorded by Vuk Stefanović Karadžić in 1820. The author of this paper mentions various creative echoes of this epic poem, from drama to poetry and film. He is particularly interested in the depiction of moral heroism in the poem itself, but also in the two film adaptations.</p> <p>The moral aspect of the poem itself was emphasized by Petar Kočić, and other authors who analyzed the poem and its moral tone. The character of Banović Strahinja differs from other heroes of epic poetry in that, in addition to his physical courage, he is also characterized by moral heroism evident in his decision to defy the prevalent moral conceptions, i.e. the morality that he himself grew up with. The author of this paper links this to the fact that Banović Strahinja speaks several foreign languages,</p> <p>i.e. knows more ’’forms of life’’ (Wittgenstein). He also argues that in different languages there are sometimes expressions and idioms that morally condemn something that is viewed as indifferent or praised in other cultures.</p> <p>The author argues that in different languages and cultures there are expressions and idioms that morally condemn something that speakers in other languages praise or view as indifferent. Different ’’forms of life’’ may have different values that are expressed in language. Familiarity with the existence of different moral norms could lead to a reflexive attitude towards the moral conceptions of one’s own culture. The film Banović Strahinja (1971) by Vatroslav Mimica, based on the screenplay of Aleksandar Petrović, faithfully follows the plot of the poem but nevertheless omits the moment when Banović Strahinja informs his parents-in-law of his wife’s betrayal, whereas the film Strahinja Banović (2021) directed by Stefan Arsenijevć, is about an African migrant and his wife who find themselves in Serbia. This African migrant wants to settle in Serbia and in order to integrate better, he adopts the Serbian name Strahinja.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025